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George Manus

217 Reflections

– Reflections on big and small
Throughout his life, George Manus has reflected on big and small, which has already resulted in 20 books. He claims that while things are happening, we only get to think in the present. It is only afterwards that we have time and opportunity to think, analogise and consider.

- About the Max Manus companies (Norwegian only)
With the book 70 YEARS OF COMMUNICATION, it is my wish to give the reader an insight into how I, as the second generation in the Max Manus family business, in my 77th year, look back on the development from 1946 to 2016.

– La Paloma, a Woman in my life 
The book is about a woman who, in the period 1981 to 1995, moves her residence not less than 36 times.

George Manus

Food for Thought

– 1001 short reflections and puns
In this book Author George Manus has collected 1001 WORDS FOR THE ROAD from his series of 10 books by the same name, which in both format and content are well suited as reading matter while travelling.

– Inventions from 2003 to 2014 (English only)
This all started in the beginning of 2000. I had partly retired from our family business with headquarters in Oslo, already in good hands of my daughter and son in law, and had moved to Spain to start my active retirement life with my Swiss wife Marianne, whom I married in 1998. My main hobby became inventions and creations, mainly related to Golf. I took it as my first challenge to construct the most compact collapsible Golf Trolley ever seen.

George Manus

Reflections I

– In words and pictures
A reflection is an afterthought. While things are happening, we only think about the here and now.  It’s only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT.

George Manus

Reflections II

– In words and proverbs
Reflections II has been given its name because as the author, George Manus himself says:  My reflections have developed into stories. In the book the author, George Manus, reflects over this and that as well as the somewhat unexpected.

George Manus

Reflections III

– In words and fantasy images
A reflection is an afterthought. While things are happening, we only think about the here and now. It's only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT.

George Manus

Stories & Thoughts I

– Thoughts are duty-free
After the release of his first three books, REFLECTIONS I – II and III, the last one in late 2017, George Manus thought it might stop there. However, after publishing the series of books he calls WORDS FOR THE ROAD – short reflections and puns, he now comes with a new twist based on the same theme – STORIES & THOUGHTS I.


George Manus

Stories & Thoughts II

This book is a continuation of my STORIES AND THOUGHTS I, and as such contains 25 Reflections. The oldest was put on paper in 1991 and the latest in 2023.


- Growing up with my stepfather Max Manus
In this book the author George Manus wants to give the reader an insight into how he, as the stepson of Max Manus, perceived his younger days on Landøya in Asker in the time from when he arrived there in 1946, aged seven, until he moved away from home at the age of 21.


RAT CATCHER was the term given to the Norwegian resistance fighters who performed the dirtiest jobs during the Second World War.
They liquidated informers, torturers and other Norwegians who worked for the Germans. THE RAT CATCHER was written by my stepfather Max Manus (1914-1996), in 1948.